We get people, you get results!

At Pillar, we prioritize your specific hiring needs and we commit to finding qualified candidates that can help improve your bottom line.

Staffing Experts | Pillar Staffing Solutions | San Bernardino, CA

Complimentary Job Advertising

Job Boards can charge anywhere between $200 to $595 a month for a single job posting! We completely take that cost off of your hands! Our team will post active job listings on Indeed, ZipRecruiter, Facebook, LinkedIn and more!

Complimentary Job Advertising | Pillar Staffing Solutions | San Bernardino, CA
Candidate Screening | Pillar Staffing Solutions | San Bernardino, CA

Candidate Screening

Employee turnover can be greatly diminished if the right candidate is selected for the position. Before we send a candidate over for your consideration they must first interview with us! We ask all the right questions to decide if the applicant would be an ideal fit for your business.

Client Portal

Your Hiring Expert will create a custom hiring portal for you to access 24/7! Our client portal will help you stay current with the latest updates on our hiring efforts. You will have the ability to review resumes, share feedback, rate candidates, and see job insights in real time! No more being left wondering if there are any updates regarding your open role.

Client Portal | Pillar Staffing Solutions | San Bernardino, CA
HR and Payroll Support | Pillar Staffing Solutions | San Bernardino, CA

HR And Payroll Support

We take employee management completely off of your hands. We handle payroll, time-tracking, onboarding, interview scheduling, e-Verify and more!

Pre- Hire Assessments

Our services include a comprehensive portfolio of assessments for every candidate. We conduct non-bias tests for cognitive, personality, emotional intelligence, risk, and skills specific to each job. Results include higher productivity, increased employee retention, improved hiring efficiency, and more!

Pre-Hire Assessments | Pillar Staffing Solutions | San Bernardino, CA
Geofence Time Tracking | Pillar Staffing Solutions | San Bernardino, CA

Geofence Time Tracking

It’s important to track hours employee hours accurately. With Geofence time tracking, employees can clock in and out of their mobile devices only from within the geofenced radius. This allows employers to know with confidence that the employee is on site at the appropriate time.

Want to learn more about Pillar's services?

Schedule a free consultation today!

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