
9 Tips To Be A Great Hotel Housekeeper

9 Tips to be a Great Hotel Housekeeper

9 Tips To Be A Great Hotel Housekeeper | Pillar Staff Solutions
9 Tips To Be A Great Hotel Housekeeper | Pillar Staff Solutions | San Bernardino, California, USA

One way to give your guests the best hotel experience possible is to hire a top-notch hotel housekeeper. This not only ensures that your hotel guests will appreciate a clean room, but it can also help the furniture and fixtures in your hotel last for a more extended period.

When it comes to guests and customers, nothing is more important than providing them with a memorable and enjoyable stay. Business owners must be aware that a few negative reviews posted online can harm their business in this modern era.

9 Tips on How to be a Great Hotel Housekeeper

There are many things company owners can do to lessen the likelihood of receiving a negative review. Still, none is more important than maintaining a consistent, high-quality cleaning and housekeeping routine.

Making a comprehensive housekeeping checklist can be a simple task.

1. Organize your tools.

9 Tips To Be A Great Hotel Housekeeper | Pillar Staff Solutions
9 Tips To Be A Great Hotel Housekeeper | Pillar Staff Solutions | San Bernardino, California, USA

Knowing where everything is, speeds up cleaning. Hotel housekeepers typically carry a huge cart loaded with various cleaning tools. The first thing you should do when you get to work each day is to check your cart to make sure it contains everything you’ll need for the day, including gloves, a mop, trash bags, cleaning supplies, fresh towels, minibar replacements, and scrub brushes. That way, you can quickly put each area in order without spending too much time making trips to and from the storage room.

If at any point you find that you are running low on supplies, make it a point to inform your supervisor so that they can place an order for more. You will only be able to clean if you have the necessary supplies!

It’s wise to categorize your materials according to use. You could separate the bedroom supplies from the rest and keep them in a different cabinet.  In this manner, it’ll be easier to find what you need.

To avoid cross-contamination, color code your microfiber garments. You can use red microfibers for the bathroom, green for the kitchen, and yellow for everything else.

2. Attend to any special requests.

9 Tips To Be A Great Hotel Housekeeper | Pillar Staff Solutions
9 Tips To Be A Great Hotel Housekeeper | Pillar Staff Solutions | San Bernardino, California, USA

Hotel guests occasionally want specific decorations in their rooms. They may appreciate a few extra pillows or a few more towels to get them started. As a hotel housekeeper, you should check the room’s notes before you go in, and if you need to know what something means, ask your supervisor. In addition, guests may order particular snacks to be delivered to their room, which is particularly common in luxury hotels.

3. Stay within the time limit

9 Tips To Be A Great Hotel Housekeeper | Pillar Staff Solutions
9 Tips To Be A Great Hotel Housekeeper | Pillar Staff Solutions | San Bernardino, California, USA

Housekeepers often allot 15–30 minutes for each room. As a hotel housekeeper, you must be punctual and efficient to keep up with your workload. It could be helpful to keep a timer running on your phone or wear a watch to keep track of the time you’ve spent cleaning.

4. Set up the beds.

9 Tips To Be A Great Hotel Housekeeper | Pillar Staff Solutions
9 Tips To Be A Great Hotel Housekeeper | Pillar Staff Solutions | San Bernardino, California, USA

This is a significant part of your work as a hotel housekeeper. You can start by taking off the sheets and replacing them with brand-new ones from the linen cupboard. Then, replace the old top sheet with the new one and tuck it beneath the mattress. Replace the pillowcases, toss the duvet or comforter back onto the bed and fold it under the mattress. You will receive training on how the hotel prefers you make the beds on your first day there. Your manager will instruct you on whether or not to leave mints or a hotel message on the guest’s pillow. Inform your manager if the mattress has rips, tears, or stains.

5. Get rid of the trash and declutter.

9 Tips To Be A Great Hotel Housekeeper | Pillar Staff Solutions
9 Tips To Be A Great Hotel Housekeeper | Pillar Staff Solutions | San Bernardino, California, USA

Pick up any garbage or used towels that you may have missed. After the guests have left the room, you can toss everything you discover on the floor. Don’t mess with their belongings too much if they’re still staying at the hotel, but feel free to toss out any trash you come across.  When you’re done, take the time to empty the trash cans and switch out the bags. You should as well check the closets and drawers.  If you find any items left behind, give them to the front desk so they can be kept in the lost and found.

6. Clean up the bathrooms.

9 Tips To Be A Great Hotel Housekeeper | Pillar Staff Solutions
9 Tips To Be A Great Hotel Housekeeper | Pillar Staff Solutions | San Bernardino, California, USA

Before you start, make sure you have some rubber gloves on. Rinse the toilet, the sinks, the tub, and the shower with disinfectant. Put some toilet bowl cleanser in the bowl, then scrub it with a toilet brush. After cleaning the counters and other surfaces, replenish the toilet paper.  The toilet handle and seat are the most often touched objects in a hotel room, so ensure they are in good condition.  Gather up the used towels in the bathroom and replace them with clean ones from your cart.

7. Wipe down hard surfaces.

9 Tips To Be A Great Hotel Housekeeper | Pillar Staff Solutions
9 Tips To Be A Great Hotel Housekeeper | Pillar Staff Solutions | San Bernardino, California, USA

As a result, the room will smell better and be ready for new guests. You should get out the duster and give the TV and all the tables and shelves a quick once-over. Then, using some paper towels and spray cleaner, wipe down the kitchen and bathroom countertops, if there are any.  You may also clean coffee makers and other portable electronics by wiping them down.

8. Deep clean the carpets.

9 Tips To Be A Great Hotel Housekeeper | Pillar Staff Solutions
9 Tips To Be A Great Hotel Housekeeper | Pillar Staff Solutions | San Bernardino, California, USA

Your supervisor may ask you to do this if you have some downtime between guests. On average, deep cleaning of hotel rooms is requested once a month, so you may have to perform some additional tasks at least once a month. Take out the carpet cleaner and fill it with cleaning solution for a thorough cleaning. Gently move it across the carpet, paying special attention to any spots or stains. This should be done last because the carpet will be damp afterward.

9. Clean the floors.

9 Tips To Be A Great Hotel Housekeeper | Pillar Staff Solutions
9 Tips To Be A Great Hotel Housekeeper | Pillar Staff Solutions | San Bernardino, California, USA

Doing this last will help you maintain a spotless room. You can also use the attached hose on the vacuum to clean any soft furniture.  After you’ve finished your other chores, pull out the vacuum and thoroughly clean the floor (including the space under the beds). Begin from the far end of the room and move forward until you reach the door, at which point you can turn off the power to the vacuum and leave. 

Duties of a Hotel Housekeeper

Housekeepers usually have a lot to do throughout the day. They can work in teams to divide the task, or they can each take charge of a single room and do it themselves. Depending on the hotel, they may also store the guest rooms with amenities like candy and beverages. Their jobs can change depending on how long a guest stays.  They may perform little cleaning and upkeep between check-in and check-out.

Examples of housekeeping responsibilities include:

  • cleaning floors
  • set-up beds
  • restocking food and toiletries
  • emptying garbage bins
  • dusting and sanitizing surfaces
  • laundry

Hotel Housekeeper Skills

9 Tips To Be A Great Hotel Housekeeper | Pillar Staff Solutions
9 Tips To Be A Great Hotel Housekeeper | Pillar Staff Solutions | San Bernardino, California, USA

Housekeepers use general and industry-specific skills. Here are some skills that hotel housekeepers usually require:

Physical Stamina

Working in housekeeping is physically demanding, and often on their feet for lengths of time. Housekeepers rely on their strength and stamina to complete tasks, including making beds, changing linens, moving heavy furniture, repairing broken items, and cleaning many guest rooms in a single shift. Housekeepers with the mental fortitude to maintain a high quality of cleaning throughout the procedure are greatly appreciated.

Effective time management

To ensure that customers can check into their rooms on time, hotels may place excessive demands on housekeepers, such as setting aggressive daily room service quotas. Their cleaning and organizing duties are usually completed within a specified time limit to guarantee that each room is given sufficient care. 

Keen attention to details

A hotel housekeeper who pays close attention to detail will be able to see any broken fixtures or unsanitary areas quickly and rectify the situation. This ability is crucial for keeping things neat and clean, which keeps customers happy.  

Good Communication Skills

When hotel housekeepers can effectively communicate with guests and other staff members, they more easily incorporate guest requests into daily operations and distribute work fairly. Effective workplace communication helps coworkers get along better and enables groups to tackle problems head-on and improve the quality of their work as a whole. Housekeepers’ ability to effectively deal with guest concerns and take preventative steps depends on their ability to communicate with one another.

Problem-solving Skills

Housekeepers that can think fast and effectively to address problems like broken items, stained carpets, and spilled drinks are invaluable. Housekeepers need problem-solving skills to communicate with the right people to get rooms back to decent condition and know what cleaning supplies to use.

The Bottom Line

Remember this: Housekeeping is a decent job that anyone can do correctly. Acquire these tips and skills, and you are on your way. Hotel housekeepers can provide efficient and respectful service to their clients with the right tools, information, and attitude. If you want to become a hotel housekeeper or know someone interested, please visit our website to discover more about our current job openings. We’d be pleased to have you on our team!

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Also see: 6 Hotel Jobs That Don’t Require A Degree!


How much does it cost to hire a recruiter?

How much does it cost to hire a recruiter? Is it worth while? In this article, we’ll take a look at the cost of recruiting internally versus working with a recruiting agency. We’ll discuss some of the pros and cons to recruiting while also offering some tips on how to find the right recruiter for your business. Let’s dive in!

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The Cost Of Recruiting

According to 2022 data from Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), the average expense per hire was nearly $4,700. However many employers estimate their total expenses when hiring someone can reach three or even four times what they pay at first glance – in essence, if you’re working on filling a position that pays $60k annually it can cost around $180- $200K to fill the position! Wow, let’s find out how.

Soft & Hard Costs

The hard costs of filling open roles are advertising costs, revenue lost due to the open role, and the annual salary of the candidate. (Fact, open roles can be a loss of $1,000 to $10,000 a day in gross profit depending on the role). Soft costs however, do not show up as a line item on the budget but they do effect productivity which effects revenue. Soft costs consist of the time each departmental leader invests in supporting the HR-specific roles. Meeting with potential candidates, screening applications, scheduling a few rounds of interviews and making final decisions etc. all require an ample amount of time and effort from your team. This effort takes them away from their other duties, affecting the bottom line.

Advantages of Recruiting Agencies

There are several advantages to using a recruiting agency. First, recruiters have access to a large pool of candidates. They can conduct 1000’s of candidate screenings each year yet the timing is wrong so the candidate or client passes on the position. However, good recruiters keep in touch with the candidate and let them know about new opportunities in the future. Secondly, recruiters save you time by screening through candidates and conducting initial interviews. This is less time that your team has to use to fill the role internally. Third, recruiters have experience matching candidates with various companies. Pillar Staffing Solutions perform a thorough intake before we begin our search. This helps to make sure we find the right type of candidate for your business.

Disadvantages of Recruiting Agencies

There are also some disadvantages to using a recruiting agency. First, there’s no guarantee that they’ll find candidates that are a good fit for your business. Secondly, you may have less control over the hiring process when you use an agency depending on the search terms. Lastly, recruiting fees can add up quickly depending upon the agency’s pricing structure.

Cost of recruiting services

As previously mentioned, the cost to hire a recruiter varies by the agency, the position, number of positions, etc. To give you a broad idea most agencies will offer a contingent placement fee or a retainer fee. Contingent placement fees are the fees charged to the company only after they’ve decided to hire a submitted candidate. This fee may range anywhere from 10% to 35% of the employees annual salary. To give you an idea, if an employee makes $50,000 annually and the recruiting firm is charging  a 15% percent fee, the employer will have to pay $7500 to the recruiting firm for the service.

Similarly, retainers consist of percentage fees. An upfront fee (the “retainer”), is charged to the employer before the search starts. This fee is a percentage of the

total placement fee. This upfront payment secures the recruiter’s exclusive attention and focus on filling the role. The fees are paid in installments (ie. when the search is begun, when a candidate “shortlist” is made, upon delivery of candidates, when an offer is accepted etc).

Find a recruiter

To find a recruiter, start by asking for recommendations from other businesses in your industry. Once you’ve compiled a list of potential agencies, take the time to interview them and learn about their process. Make sure you’re comfortable with their fees and that you feel confident in their ability to find qualified candidates for your open positions.

We hope this article has helped to shed some light on the cost to hire a recruiter. If you want to learn more about our services please visit our employer page.

Happy Hiring!



6 Hotel Jobs That Don’t Require A Degree

To work in the Hotel Industry, do you need a college degree? Let’s discuss 6 hotel jobs that do not require a college degree! In today’s economy, a college degree is no longer the only path to a good job. In fact, there are many jobs that emphasize skills over education and work experience. While a college degree may still be seen as the gold standard in some industries, it is no longer the only way to get ahead. There are many opportunities for those who are willing to think outside the box and pursue a career that emphasizes their unique skillset. With the right attitude and a little bit of research, anyone can find a good job – no college degree required. For this post, we will be highlight hotel positions that do not require a college degree. 

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1. Housekeepers

There are many different types of hotel jobs that don’t require a four-year degree. Housekeepers, for example, play an important role in keeping hotels clean and tidy. They typically work 8-hour shifts and may be responsible for cleaning multiple rooms per day. Housekeepers typically start out earning minimum wage, but with experience, they can earn about $15- $19 per hour on average. 

2. Front Desk Clerks

Front desk clerks are another type of hotel worker who does not need a four-year degree. They are responsible for check-in/check-out, answering phones, and providing information about the hotel and its amenities.Front desk clerks typically earn $9-$11 per hour.

3. Bellhops/Concierge

Bellhops and concierges are also common hotel workers who do not need a four-year degree. Bellhops assist guests with their luggage and provide directions to their room. Concierges provide information about the hotel and its surroundings, such as restaurants, attractions, and events. Both bellhops and concierges typically earn $9-$12 per hour.

4. Room Service Attendant

Room service attendants are responsible for taking orders from guests and delivering food to their rooms. This position typically does not need a degree and usually does not require much experience. To be able to do this job, a person would only need to know the layout of the hotel and posses a friendly/polite attitude. Room service attendants usually start out working part-time or on a temporary basis, but full-time positions are also available.

5. Housekeeping Supervisors

Housekeeping supervisors oversee the work of housekeepers and ensure that rooms are cleaned appropriately to the standard of the hotel. Supervisors typically do not need a degree, although some hotels may previous experience  in the hospitality space. Housekeeping supervisors usually start out working part-time or on a temporary basis, but full-time positions are also available.

6. Maintenance Worker

Maintenance workers are responsible for ensuring that the hotel’s facilities and equipment are in good working order. This position typically does not require a degree, although some hotels may prefer to hire candidates with experience in the maintenance field. Like Housekeeping Supervisors and Room Service Attendants, Maintenance workers usually start out working part-time or on a temporary basis, but full-time positions are also available depending on the need. 

Other jobs that don’t require a degree..

Finally, there are many hotel jobs that don’t require a four-year degree but do require some training or certification, such as massage therapist, fitness instructor, or spa attendant. These types of jobs typically pay between $12-$20 per hour. So if you’re looking for a job in the hotel industry but don’t have a four-year degree, there are many options available to you.


Read More : Housekeepers Are A Necessity!




Housekeepers are a necessity!

Housekeepers, Housemen, and Room Attendants are a necessity to any great hotel! It’s hard to imagine a great hotel without its legion of housekeepers. These tireless workers keep everything spick and span, ensuring that each room is guest-ready at all times. They’re the unsung heroes of the hospitality industry, and no hotel could function without them.

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Housekeeping jobs are very demanding , but it’s also very rewarding. The satisfaction of knowing that you’ve helped make someone’s stay comfortable and enjoyable is truly unique. Typically working long hours, and having to be able to lift heavy objects and perform other physically demanding tasks is part of a housekeepers everyday job. Most hotels in 2022 expect a housekeeper to complete a minimum of 14 rooms per shift. Some even wanting to mandate the completion of one room every 30-minutes. Definitely not for the faint of heart.

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Challenges in Housekeeping

Despite the challenges of the work, housekeeping can be very rewarding. Housekeepers often form strong bonds with their co-workers, and they take great pride in knowing that they’ve helped to create a pleasant and comfortable environment for guests. If you’re interested in housekeeping, there are a few things you should know. First, most hotels require applicants to have at least a high school diploma or equivalent. Second, most hotels offer on-the-job training for new hires. And third, most hotels offer competitive wages and benefits packages. Albeit, if you’re looking for a challenging and rewarding career, consider becoming a housekeeper. It might not be glamorous, but it’s definitely fulfilling.

Housekeepers are the very people that can make or break a hotel stay. After the guest arrives to the hotel from traveling hours in a plane, carrying heavy bags and dealing with their kids who cant wait to go to the room, they are in need of clean sheets and fresh linen. Additionally, a clean room and fresh towels can turn an okay experience into a great one, while a messy room and used towels can ruin even the best-laid plans. Fortunately, there are a few simple things that hotels can do to ensure that their guests have a positive housekeeping experience. By taking these steps, hotels can provide their guests with the best possible housekeeping experience and housekeepers get to be a part of it!

Apply Today!!

Read More 7 Interview Tips That Will Get You Hired


Setting Goals !

You may have heard the saying “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Setting goals for yourself, your family, your relationships, your career, your company etc. is very important.

What is a goal? A goal can be defined as a desired result, aim, target, prayer, or purpose with which effort is directed.

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Whether you are a jobseeker, currently employed, or an employer looking to hire, it is key to set goals. Listed below are a few strategies on setting goals.

S.M.A.R.T. Goals!
Time bound

Who, what, when, where, and why? Your goal should be clear and specific, otherwise you won’t be able to focus your efforts or feel truly motivated to achieve it. When drafting your goal, try to answer these five “W” questions:

  • What do I want to accomplish?
  • Why is this goal important?
  • Who is involved?
  • Where is it located?
  • Which resources or limits are involved?

It’s important to have measurable goals, so that you can track your progress and stay motivated. Assessing progress helps you to stay focused, meet your deadlines, and feel the excitement of getting closer to achieving your goal.

A measurable goal should address questions such as:

  • How much?
  • How many?
  • How will I know when it is accomplished?

Your goal also needs to be realistic and attainable to be successful. In other words, it should stretch your abilities but still remain possible. When you set an achievable goal, you may be able to identify previously overlooked opportunities or resources that can bring you closer to it.

An achievable goal will usually answer questions such as:

  • How can I accomplish this goal?
  • How realistic is the goal, based on other constraints, such as financial factors?

This step is about ensuring that your goal matters to you, and that it also aligns with other relevant goals. We all need support and assistance in achieving our goals, but it’s important to retain control over them. So, make sure that your plans drive everyone forward, but that you’re still responsible for achieving your own goal.

A relevant goal can answer “yes” to these questions:

  • Does this seem worthwhile?
  • Is this the right time?
  • Does this match our other efforts/needs?
  • Am I the right person to reach this goal?
  • Is it applicable in the current socio-economic environment?

Every goal needs a target date, so that you have a deadline to focus on and something to work toward. This part of the SMART goal criteria helps to prevent everyday tasks from taking priority over your longer-term goals.

A time-bound goal will usually answer these questions:

  • When?
  • What can I do six months from now?
  • What can I do six weeks from now?
  • What can I do today?

We here at Pillar Staffing Solutions hope that this list helps you to start thinking about your goals in a new and insightful way. Whether you a strategizing your personal career or whether you are bringing on new staff, if you fail to plan consequently you are planning to fail. All the best!


What questions should I ask in an interview?

In most interviews, candidates do their best to give the answers to questions that they think the interviewer would want to hear. This article is for the hiring manager that really wants to get to know a potential candidate’s character in a short amount of time.

It is common that we hire people who fit all the check marks of the job description. However, after a month you soon find out that this person was not the right hire for the position. There’s got to be a way to better screen candidates and make better hires for your company on a more consistent basis, right? Yes there is!

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Conducting a good interview is an art form that takes practice. Like painting a picture, we must have a good grasp on what we would actually like to paint (the ideal employee/candidate), the necessary brushes to use at which times (Questions that allow the person to open up and move the interview along), and the appropriate strokes to brush (asking the right questions to the right people). As I said, to become a good artist it takes practice; you learn more as you do it, and you become more skilled with time. However, here are 5 questions you can start asking today that will help you to have a better idea of who you are hiring.

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1. What are the top 2? 

Example: What are the top 2 things that you look for in a job or company?

This is a good question because you get to hear about what is important to the candidate pertaining to work. They may answer with growth tracks in a company, great health benefits, pay(which would be the majority of number one answers). Their top thing will usually fall in line with those common answers but question #2 will really shine some light on the candidates desires.

After you’ve heard both answers you can ask why those things are important to them so that they can expand upon them. This will allow you to learn what motivates that specific candidate and if they line up with your company’s values. 

2. Imaginary Scenarios

Example: How would you react if

 there were rumors circulating that there would be layoffs coming in the following weeks?

If you are curious to know how the employee handles stress for example, instead of simply asking them how they do with it and hearing the response of “I am able to stay calm when I deal with stress, I assess the situation and adjust accordingly” That answer sounds great and ideal, but is it true? Presenting an imaginary scenario will allow you to get a glimpse into how the employee really thinks and how they would really react in a stressful situation. Will they panic, will they speak to their supervisor directly about it, will they perpetuate the rumor by asking other coworkers about it? From their response you can draw inference into their character when they feel their back is against the wall. 

3. Emotional Quotient – Their EQ

Example: How would you feel if

a person in a leadership position of the company asks you to do some extra work to help them finish a task on time?<

This is a great “team player” question. This is like the imaginary scenario but it helps to unlock how they feel about something. Take leadership for example, you can hear how they feel about being told what to do, or how they view doing more without more compensation, etc. By their answer you can examine how much of a team player they really are or if they have no desire to do anything that is not listed in their job description.

A good answer would be something along the lines of “I would try to help them” or “If I could spare the time, then I would help them out no problem” Then you can discern that the person has traits of being a team player.

4. Self Perception

Example: Do you consider yourself to be a

..Teacher? Leader? Trustworthy? Why or why not?

This is a good question to gage their leadership qualities without directly asking them about them, or test their integrity. You may hear responses of “Yes, I’ve led small teams in the past that I had to teach the job to” or you may hear, “No, I’ve never taught anyone before. I’m not good at it.”

The key is to listen intently to their responses. Draw inference from their stories and examples they use. If they say, “Yes, I am trustworthy” you can still ask “why?” And learn what motivates them to be trustworthy.

5. Take me there

Example: Fast forward, you’ve been working at the company for 5 years now, what have you accomplished? Would you be promoted? Would you still be working here?

Where there is lack of vision, there is lack of growth. By this question, you can determine their vision for themselves and the company. You want someone that sees themselves growing with the company. Someone who wants to be promoted and not stay in the same spot. If they are thriving in the company that likely means that the company is also thriving. You’ll know if you have someone just passing thru or if they intend to be around for the long haul.

With this question, you can also discover their confidence level; are they confident or arrogant? What is their humility level like and would they be the type to step on others to get ahead?

These questions are examples of interview approaches that you can take to have a better idea of how a person really is and if they would be an asset or a liability to your company. Cookie-cutter questions will give you cookie-cutter answers. This style of interviewing helps to unlock things in individuals that they may not be willing to share on their own. Try them out and make them your own!

Happy Hiring!


7 Interview Tips That Will Help You Get Hired

Even when you have gone on more interviews than you can count, job interviewing never seems to get any easier. With each job interview, you are meeting new people, selling yourself and your skills, and often getting the third degree about what you know or don’t know. And, you need to stay upbeat and enthusiastic through it all. This can be a challenge, especially when you’re interviewing for a job you would love to get hired for.

That said, there are ways to make a job interview feel much less stressful. Just a little preparation time can go a long way. The more time you take in advance to get ready, the more comfortable you’ll feel during the actual interview.

Remember, though, that a job interview is not an exam: you don’t need to study for hours on end. Rather, you just need to do due diligence in researching the company, understand exactly what they are looking for in a new hire, and ensure that you’re able to discuss your experience and what makes you a great fit for the job.

It is a good idea to focus on your communication skills in particular, so you can speak clearly and concisely about the assets you can offer the employer.

Ultimately, the key to effective interviewing is to project confidence, stay positive, and be able to share examples of your workplace skills and your qualifications for the job. Take the time to work on your interview skills so that you can develop effective strategies to use in all of your interviews.

With some advance preparation, you’ll be able to nail the interview and showcase the experience that makes you the ideal candidate for the company’s next new employee.

Interview Tips That Will Help You Get Hired
Here are some job interview tips that can help you interview effectively. Proper preparation will help alleviate some of the stress involved in job interviews and position you for a positive and successful interviewing experience.

1. Practice and Prepare
Review the typical job interview questions employers ask and practice your answers. Strong answers are those that are specific but concise, drawing on concrete examples that highlight your skills and back up your resume.

Your answers should also emphasize the skills that are most important to the employer and relevant to the position. Be sure to review the job listing, make a list of the requirements, and match them to your experience.

Even the most well-prepared response will fall short if it does not answer the exact question you are being asked.

While it’s important to familiarize yourself with the best answers, it’s equally important to listen carefully during your interview in order to ensure your responses give the interviewer the information they are looking for.

Also, have a list of your own questions to ask the employer ready. In almost every interview, you’ll be asked if you have any questions for the interviewer. It is important to have at least one or two questions prepared in order to demonstrate your interest in the organization. Otherwise, you might come across as apathetic, which is a major turnoff for hiring managers.

2. Develop a Connection With the Interviewer
In addition to indicating what you know about the company, you should also try to develop a connection with your interviewer. Know the interviewer’s name, and use it during the job interview. If you’re not sure of the name, call and ask prior to the interview. And, listen very carefully during introductions.

If you’re prone to forgetting names, jot it down somewhere discreet, like in small letters at the bottom of your notepad.

Ultimately, building rapport and making a personal connection with your interviewer can up your chances of getting hired. People tend to hire candidates they like and who seems to be a good fit for the company’s culture. Here’s how to get the hiring manager on your side.

3. Research the Company, and Show What You Know
Do your homework and research the employer and the industry, so you are ready for the interview question, “What do you know about this company?” If this question is not asked, you should try to demonstrate what you know about the company on your own.

You can do this by tying what you’ve learned about the company into your responses. For example, you might say:

I noticed that when you implemented a new software system last year, your customer satisfaction ratings improved dramatically. I am well-versed in the latest technologies from my experience with developing software at ABC, and appreciate a company who strives to be a leader in its industry.

You should be able to find out a lot of information about the company’s history, mission and values, staff, culture, and recent successes on its website. If the company has a blog and a social media presence, they can be useful places to look, too.

4. Get Ready Ahead of Time
Don’t wait until the last minute to pick out an interview outfit, print extra copies of your resume, or find a notepad and pen. Have one good interview outfit ready, so you can interview on short notice without having to worry about what to wear.

When you have an interview lined up, get everything ready the night before.

Not only will planning out everything (from what shoes you will wear, to how you’ll style your hair, to what time you will leave and how you’ll get there) buy you time in the morning, it can help reduce job search anxiety, and it will also save you from having to make decisions, which means you can use that brainpower for your interview.

Make sure your interview attire is neat, tidy, and appropriate for the type of firm you are interviewing with. Bring a nice portfolio with extra copies of your resume. Include a pen and paper for note-taking.

If you’re interviewing virtually, have all the technology set and ready in advance. Do a trial run to be sure everything is working properly, and you’re comfortable with it.

5. Be on Time (That Means Early)
Be on time for the interview. On time means five to ten minutes early. If need be, drive to the interview location ahead of time so you know exactly where you are going and how long it will take to get there.

Take into account the time of your interview so you can adjust for local traffic patterns at that time. Give yourself a few extra minutes to visit the restroom, check your outfit, and calm your nerves.

6. Try to Stay Calm
During the job interview, try to relax and stay as calm as possible. Remember that your body language says as much about you as your answers to the questions. Proper preparation will allow you to exude confidence:

As you answer questions, maintain eye contact with the interviewer.
Be sure to pay attention to the question so that you don’t forget it, and listen to the entire question (using active listening) before you answer, so you know exactly what the interviewer is asking. Avoid cutting off the interviewer at all costs, especially when he or she is asking questions. If you need to take a moment to think about your answer, that’s totally fine, and is a better option than starting out with multiple “ums” or “uhs.”

7. Follow-Up After the Interview
Always follow up with a thank-you note reiterating your interest in the position. You can also include any details you may have forgotten to mention during your interview.If you interview with multiple people from the same company, send each one a personal note. Send your thank-you email within 24 hours of your interview.It’s worth the extra effort. A Robert Half survey reports that 80% of hiring managers said it was helpful or somewhat helpful to receive a thank-you note after an interview.Source: thebalancecareers.com/top-interview-tips-2058577
By Alison Doyle

13 Ways to Show Your Boss You’re Ready for the Big Promotion

If you’ve been at the same job for some time, it’s all too easy to just assume that a promotion will come along every year, like a bonus for time served. But you have to do more than log hours to make it to the next level. More responsibility means actively showing (and sometimes telling) your boss that you’re ready to take on a new role.

1. Make Your Boss Obsolete
“It’s ironic, but the best way to get promoted is to make your boss’ job easier. And the best way to do that is to make his or her job obsolete. You’re not really putting your manager out of a job—you’re allowing him or her to trust your work. In turn, he or she can focus on new areas that the higher-ups have needed to address for some time. Strong work goes up the chain, improves the company, and gets you noticed.”

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—Ankur Gopal, Interapt

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2. Summarize Work Visually
“When talking about your work, give us something to look at. When you answer the question, ‘Why are people buying?’ show a chart of the top responses as well as how many people gave each response. It makes everyone a believer when we can see a quick visual snapshot that backs up what you’re saying.”

—Adam Grant, Campus Commandos

3. Own Projects From Start to Finish
“Organizations place a premium on individuals who follow through on tasks. If you can prove that you can consistently own projects from start to finish, you will not only get promoted, but you’ll also make yourself indispensable.”

—Kyle Wong, Pixlee

4. Keep a Positive Attitude
“The people who typically get promoted keep their cool under stress. They also act as a role model to everyone around them. They meet deadlines and ask relevant, intelligent questions that help clients be happier with our services. When an issue arises, they want to solve it and work to avoid future problems by learning from their mistakes.”

—Nicole Munoz, Start Ranking Now

5. Raise Other Team Members’ Performance
“I look for people who are completing their assignments and asking what that next task is going to be. They help their colleagues instead of stepping on them in their climb up the ladder. I love to promote people on my team who raise the performance of everybody around them.”

—Joshua Lee, StandOut Authority

6. Make Your Boss Aware You Want the Promotion
“It seems quite simple, but expressing your desire for a particular promotion is very helpful. Sometimes management may not know you want it, or has not thought of you as a candidate, especially if it’s outside of your current department. Often management will tell you what you need to do to get the position if they know you want it. Be humble, inquisitive, passionate, and hungry.”

—Joshua Waldron, Silencerco, LLC

7. Show Pride in Your Work
“Competence, diligence, intelligence, loyalty—these all matter, but what matters most is the inherent will to do the best work possible. The work is what matters, and employees who take it personally, who own their work as a reflection of their values and take pride in doing good work, are the employees I trust with positions of responsibility.”

—Vik Patel, Future Hosting

8. Avoid Office Politics and Gossip
“The qualities we considered most were those that demonstrate integrity and trustworthiness—which we measured by looking at who chose not to participate in office politics and gossip. While it’s important to understand the balance of office politics, individuals who are able to rise above the temptations stand out most as those I think would be the fairest to others in management roles.”

—Souny West, CHiC Capital

9. Display Commitment
“When people are really committed, you can tell by the quality of their work, the effort they put in, and the relationships they develop. When employees show commitment, we notice and try to reward them with deserved promotions.”

—Alfredo Atanacio, Uassist.ME

10. Demonstrate That You Can Solve Client Problems
“To get promoted, you have to show that you can take the initiative and help our clients solve their problems. Since I run a marketing company, I am looking for people who can implement creative and effective campaigns that make both us and our clients shine. This also means being able to work independently, without having to be told what to do every step of the way.”

—Shawn Porat, Fortune Cookie Advertising

11. Be Exceptional
“I want to promote from within, but it’s important that clients and co-workers see the justification. I need team members to make a significant impact on their clients—who really wow them. If they don’t have a client-facing position, they should be the go-to person for their colleagues.”

—Eddie Lou, Shiftgig

12. Make Money
“If someone is making money, they’ll be promoted. Making money is the ultimate internal currency. All other internal performance metrics can be translated into the money-making metric. And yes, saving money is making money, too. Anyone who understands enough of the business ROI levers to structure and ask for more resources or a different title will probably get it and keep moving up each time the argument is made.”

-Ross Resnick, Roaming Hunger

13. Attract and Manage Great Talent
“At a fast-growing company, hiring quality people quickly is one of the most important goals. That’s why I place great value on people who can bring in additional talent through their existing networks, convince that talent to join our company, and cultivate those individuals into productive team members. Showing that you can build and manage a profitable team is a clear path to promotion.”

-Sathvik Tantry, FormSwift

By Young Entrepreneur Council

15 Quick Tips for Excelling at Work

Most of us want to be good employees — and most of us want to excel at our jobs. To be a successful employee and excel at work, though, is not simply a matter of being good at what you do. Being a successful employee also involves issues such as professionalism, attitude, and teamwork — all of which is the thrust of this article.

Here’s our list of the 15 best tips for how to excel in your job at work.

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1. Learn how to perform your job well. There’s a big difference between just doing your job and doing your job well — and with pride. Making the extra effort, ratcheting up your game a notch or two, and taking steps to fill any voids in your work will all help you shine in your job.
2. Work hard. It used to be that just showing up for work was enough to get by in some companies, but those days are long gone. Today, you not only have to show up and be at your job the full day (arriving on time and not leaving early), but also put in a full day of work. Keep personal calls, emails, texts, and the like to a minimum.
3. Act professionally. No matter what your job, it’s important to be serious and focused on what you do — and act professionally in all situations. There’s a time and place for fooling around, and it is not the workplace. Professionals follow esenyurt escort the rules and are courteous, friendly, and tactful. Acting professionally also means dressing appropriately for your job.
4. Express positive attitude. You don’t have to be “Cheerful Sally” — in fact, don’t be or you might not be taken seriously — but having a positive and go-get’em disposition is important. People like working with — and helping — co-workers with a positive attitude. People with negative attitudes — “Debbie Downer” — drag everyone around them down.
5. Take initiative. You may be very good at your job — and that is important — but do you ever try to push the limits of your work? In other words, do you ever consider better ways you could do your job — or better ways your department could work — and make suggestions to your boss? Just do not confuse taking initiative with knowing it all.
6. Be a good team player. To be successful in most jobs today, workers must also be good team players. Review how well you work in teams, examining key issues such as communications, working relationships, team successes (and failures). For a reality check, you might consider asking a few teammates for some honest feedback.
7. Know your boss. You don’t have to be best friends with your boss; in fact, you don’t even need to like your boss. You should, however, know your boss. In other words, the better you understand how your boss thinks, acts, and manages, the better you perform your job to his/her expectations and demands.
8. Understand your employer. Some people work at their jobs for years without really knowing or understanding their employer. Taking the time to understand the organization’s mission, goals, strategies, and products/services will help you better understand your role within it — and the value of the job you provide.
9. Take (constructive) criticism gracefully. One of the hardest things for all of us to learn is how to handle constructive criticism — and how to use these critiques to improve our performance on the job. Yes, some bosses are truly nit-pickers, wanting everything done their way or not at all, but most bosses are simply providing feedback so you can perform your job better
 so you can excel at your work.
10. Cultivate relationships. Having workplace friendships with some of the folks who work with or near you is usually a positive element in job satisfaction — which should result in greater motivation to perform your job to the best of your abilities. Just be sure you make friends with positive people who, like you, are focused on excelling at their work.
11. Take opportunities to learn new skills, jobs. The longer we work at one job, the more likely we’ll get bored with it — perhaps just going through the motions — until we are no longer excelling in our jobs. One way around this problem is taking opportunities for additional educational and training when your employer offers them.
12. Be part of the solution. Don’t be the worker everyone hates — the one who is always quick to point out the problems
 while offering no solutions. Instead, when possible, strive to be a problem-solver. Problem-solvers are a valuable commodity in every workplace.
13. Avoid gossip. It should go without saying — but we’re saying it anyway — that it’s always best to turn a deaf ear to gossip and rumors. No matter how good a worker you may be, getting caught in the web of gossip will quickly downgrade your standing with your boss and employer.
14. Volunteer for new projects. Whether to seek a little variety with your job or to try to score some points with the boss, volunteering to take on additional work and responsibilities can lead to greater job satisfaction, better work performance, and perhaps even a new direction for your career.
15. Mentor new employees and younger workers. One of the greatest goods in the workplace is when an experienced worker mentors a younger, inexperienced worker. Helping the new worker learn the ropes will provide you great personal satisfaction — and will also put you in good standing with the boss.
Final Thoughts on Excelling at Work
For most of us, it’s important to strive to be the best worker we can be — to excel at our jobs. It’s not necessarily about impressing the bosses and obtaining a promotion (though you may desire that down the road) — it’s more about having a sense of accomplishment for a job well done.Finally, remember that when you are the person that’s new to the job — or learning a new task — it’s always better to ask questions (even repeating the same ones until you fully understand the answer) than to proceed blindly and stumble so badly that you have no chance of recovering.While there is no such thing as job security anymore, following the tips in this article should help you become an indispensable member of the organization’s team.
Source: http://www.wehirepeople.com/2017/10/27/15-quick-tips-excelling-work/
By Integrated Talent Solutions

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